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Losing Your Religion

Losing Your Religion


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We’ve all heard that Christianity isn’t a religion — it’s a relationship. But a lot of us practice a Christianity that’s really a behavior management system . . . in other words, a religion — one that nobody longs to be a part of! How can we stop confusing behavior management with the life-giving faith into which Jesus invites us? How do we move past having behavioral standards and habits as our only measures of maturity? Losing Your Religion will help you identify where beliefs meant to give you freedom have become a new set of religious chains. More importantly, you’ll find out how to let your relationship with Christ break those chains and lead you and others to true freedom. You’re not called to be a “better Christian.” (What a relief!) You’re called to let Christ’s very presence transform you into a person who loves God and others wholeheartedly and with deep joy. But to get there, you must lose your religion. The good news is you’ll never miss it.

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