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Real Love in an Angry World

Real Love in an Angry World


USD 12.75


The world doesn't dislike Christians because we are godly, honest, and stand for justice. It dislikes us because we can be downright mean! Somewhere in our engagement of culture we have drifted to one of two extremes--compromising on truth or condemning all those who disagree. But Jesus, despite enemies on all sides, somehow managed to speak the truth in love--and calls us to do the same.

Whichever ditch you tend to fall into, Rick Bezet wants to help. In Real Love in an Angry World, he calls on believers not to abandon the truth just because they don't want to hurt someone's feelings, but also not to present that truth in angry diatribes on social media. He invites readers to sit in on his real conversations with real people who need to hear the gospel, showing them how it can be done in loving and courageous ways. For anyone unsure if they are doing more harm than good when they talk (or don't talk) about matters of faith, this book offers a compassionate and inspirational corrective.

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