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Prophetic Intercessor, The [eBook]

Prophetic Intercessor, The [eBook]


USD 12.74


Prophetic intercession has caught fire as God's people learn the power of praying his promises back to him. In this extraordinary book, James Goll draws from the stories of Elijah, who travailed for rain, and Anna, the praying prophetess whose intercession prepared the way for the Messiah, to illustrate the biblical mandate for intercessory prayer. James tells his own gripping, life-changing experience of how God gave him and his wife four children after years of barrenness, and he uses this testimony as a metaphor for what God can do for dying churches and hopeless circumstances when Christians lay claim to God's promises. Readers will gain a fresh vision after reading The Prophetic Intercessor for the importance of intercessory prayer for themselves, their churches, and the world.

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