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Making God Possible

Making God Possible


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What are clergy for? In this lively and provocative volume, Alan Billings argues that they serve the mission and ministry of the Church, which is to make God possible. In each new era, how to carry out this mission effectively will vary, as the Church seeks to respond to changes in society and culture, but it is likely to involve clergy in a refocusing of their ministry. Part 1 of Making God Possible looks at recent cultural shifts and the challenges they present to Christianity in the twenty-first century. Part 2 explores some of the models of ministry which have been found in the Church in the past and which continue to exercise an influence: classical (the parson); evangelical (the minister); catholic (the priest), and utility (the social activist and personal therapist). The author skilfully draws out those things of lasting importance and value in each model that might contribute towards the renewal of the ordained ministry today.

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