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New Testament Prayer for Everyone

New Testament Prayer for Everyone


R 158.99


This helpful and collection of Tom Wright's insights into the meaning and practice of prayer, gives you all the accessible wisdom of the various New Testament prayers explored in his individual 'For Everyone' commentaries.

This convenient yet compact collection of explorations includes his own thoughtful translations and meditations on all the major prayers of the New Testament.

Reasons to add 'New Testament Prayers for Everyone' to your collection:

  • Get Tom Wrights reliable, readable insights
  • Benefit from his own translation from the original manuscripts
  • Understand the key teachings of New Testament writers
  • Find how the hopes and fears of the early Church compare to today's
  • Make yourself an expert in the earliest written Christian prayers
  • Find the through line from the apostles to your prayers today

    Tom Wright on 'The Lord's Prayer':
    "References to Jesus' own practice of private prayer are scattered throughout the Gospels and clearly reflect an awareness on the part of his first followers that this kind of private prayer - not simply formulaic petitions, but wrestling with God over real issues and questions - formed the undercurrent of his life and public work. The prayer that Jesus gave his followers embodies his own prayer life and his wider kingdom ministry in every clause."

    There are many books about prayer, but this is the first by Tom Wright to cover all the key teachings and examples to be found in the New Testament.

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