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Parallel Lives of Jesus

Parallel Lives of Jesus


R 189.63


This is an introductory guide to the four New Testament Gospels as overlapping accounts of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, each with their own distinctive emphases and concerns. Part One deals first with the fact that there are four Gospels in the canon and looks at how the fourfold Gospel emerged. The literary relationships between the Gospels are dealt with next, followed by the composition of the Gospels. Part Two looks at each Gospel, its structure, contents, style and narrative technique, its presentation of Jesus and its particular interests and themes. Part Three, the main section of the book, takes six key events in the life of Jesus, most of which are found in all four Gospels, and examines the parallel versions. The book ends with reflections on the fourfold Gospel and the singular Jesus, including a discussion of key issues relating to the 'historical Jesus'.

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