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Be Resolute (Daniel)

Be Resolute (Daniel)




We've all heard the phrase: When the going gets tough, the tough get going. What about faith? Will your faith thrive in tough times? Do you desire a more resolute faith?

The book of Daniel relates the familiar Sunday School stories of the lions' den, the fiery furnace, and some remarkable prophecies, but take some time to investigate these stories more closely. How did Daniel, Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego possess such a fearless faith? Perhaps no one in the Bible possessed a more resolute faith in God than these individuals. Daniel and his peers never took the easy way out, but stood their ground, even in face of death.

There's a lot to be learned from Daniel about unshakable faith. Study this extraordinary Old Testament book. Even more importantly, apply what you learn as respected Bible teacher Warren Wiersbe unfolds both the explicit and implicit teachings to lead you to a more resolute faith.

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