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Reason and Wonder

Reason and Wonder


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Written for general readers of all religious backgrounds, Reason and Wonder introduces some of the most fruitful discussions now taking place between leading thinkers in science and theology.

As Professor Priest writes in his Preface: ‘In this integrated approach, the notion of science as a monolithic concept is shattered. Instead, the sciences and humanities represent a rainbow tapestry, linked by a common search for understanding, using reason and imagination.’

This fascinating book includes accounts of key points of convergence in areas such as astrophysics, biology, mathematics, neuroscience and psychology, and ends with a stimulating set of questions for group discussion or personal reflection.


Eric Priest - Towards the Integration of Science and Religion
Keith Ward - God, Science and the New Atheism
Eleonore Stump - Natural Law, Reductionism and the Creator
David Wilkinson - The Origin and End of the Universe – a Challenge for Christianity?
Jennifer Wiseman - Universe of Wonder, Universe of Life
Kenneth Miller - Evolution, Faith and Science
Michael Murray and Jeff Schloss - Evil in Evolution
Pauline Rudd - Is there More to Life than Genes?
David Myers - Psychological Science Meets Christian Faith
John Wyatt - Being a Person? - Towards an Integration of Neuroscientific and Christian Perspectives
John Swinton - From Projection to Connection: Conversations between Science, Spirituality and Health
Mark Harris - Do the Miracles of Jesus Contradict Science?
Tom Wright - Can a Scientist Trust the New Testament?

Questions for discussion or reflection

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