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Rediscovering Joy

Rediscovering Joy




The title, Rediscovered Joy, derives from Galatians 4:15 (NLT). The Galatians had lost the joy of God's blessing because they had departed from the truths of the gospel. The Reformation - and the book - is an invitation to rediscover the joy of the gospel. Despite the common claim that the Reformation is either out-dated or divisive, its rediscovery of the apostolic message was a rediscovery of joy - a message that is as relevant today as it was 500 years ago and 2,000 years ago.

The book will be different to Why the Reformation Still Matters as it will be much lighter with more focus on biblical exposition and pastoral application.


1. How to hear God's voice - Galatians 1
Reformation link: Scripture alone

2. How to win God's approval - Galatians 2
Reformation link: justification by faith alone through Christ alone

3. How to recognise God's people- Galatians 3 & 4:21-31
Reformation link: the marks of a true church

4. How to enjoy God's love - Galatians 4
Reformation link: the work of the Spirit

5. How to do God's will - Galatians 5-6
Reformation link: gospel virtue

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