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Today's All-Star Missions Churches [eBook]

Today's All-Star Missions Churches [eBook]




Near the close of the century, Tom Telford was criss-crossing the country researching the best ways to do and support missions. He found that the top missions churches have active, healthy, innovative programs. With the help of missiologists and church missions pastors, he compiledToday's All-Star Missions Churches.

Telford's bookuses case studies from churches representing a variety of denominations, sizes, and locations. From the detailed descriptions of the churches' missions history, vision, and programming, readers will glean practical ideas for starting or strengthening missions programs in local churches. Each chapter focuses on the unique qualities of a church that has succeeded, ranging from excellence in missionary care to involving children in missions.

The successful methods highlighted in this book can be implemented in churches of any size. Missions organization leaders, pastors, and laypeople who want to involve their churches in missions will appreciate this practical and informative book.

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