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It's All in How You Tell It [eBook]

It's All in How You Tell It [eBook]




Pastors are continually looking for resources to make their preaching more powerful and culturally relevant. Old-school models based on three-point outlines do not resonate with today's churchgoers, who are accustomed to media-driven modes of expression.
It's All in How You Tell It provides the tools and insights necessary to help both veteran and novice preachers move from ineffective habits into adrenaline-pumping, dramatic sermon delivery. They will learn to preach by retelling a scriptural account from the vantage point of a biblical character-combining the power of drama with God's Word. Nationally known preaching expert Haddon W. Robinson and his son, Torrey, examine issues such as exegeting a text for a first-person approach, structuring a narrative sermon, determining how to portray biblical characters, and staging and delivering the sermon itself.
With this book seminary and Bible college students have the opportunity to build foundations for engaging, story-filled preaching ministries. The end result will be more preachers who"love to tell the story" and more church members who are hungry to hear it.

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