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The Answer to Our Cry [eBook]

The Answer to Our Cry [eBook]




We all long for freedom from anxiety, worry, and fear. We long to be free from sin and free to love others completely as God loves us. And yet we are shackled by insecurity, prone to selfishness, and wary of letting down our guard. That's not the life God designed for his followers. When his enslaved people cry out to him for freedom, he hears--and responds.

Now pastor Rick McKinley shows how the true freedom we all long for--the freedom we see as God delivers his people in the Scriptures--is always in the form of relationship with God rather than our popular notion of complete independence. He calls readers to look to the Father, Son, and Spirit for the model of perfect, self-giving freedom, and shows how that kind of freedom can transform us into people who live fully, love boldly, and fear nothing.

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