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How can I improve the quality of my relationships? Be a better communicator? Resolve conflict more effectively? Use both my skills and my unique individuality for the benefit of those around me?
The healthy marriage, the smooth-running office, the caring church, the harmonious mission team, the committed friendship group...good teamwork is a vital ingredient of so many of the interactive situations of daily life. And it's a concept central to the Christian message. In Christ, God was reconciling us to him and to each other. So it's hardly surprising that biblical principles have so much relevance to the challenge of creative teambuilding.
Reading this book will stimulate you to think about why teams are so important, how you can build an effective team and ways of learning to communicate better.
This book doesn't confine itself to conventional ideas of teams, but takes a much broader look at teamwork and working together. Readers will find the contents applicable to many areas of life including marriage and family life, friendships, school, university, the workplace, and the local church. It would also be particularly relevant to people involved with overseas mission teams.

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