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Paradox of Sonship

Paradox of Sonship




The Studies in Christian Doctrine and Scripture (SCDS) series promotes fresh understandings of Christian belief through creative, faithful readings of the canonical text.
What does the epistle to the Hebrews mean when it calls Jesus 'Son'?

Is 'Son' a title that denotes his eternal identity in the one, triune God? Or is it a title given to Jesus in light of his unique role as the Messiah?

In this volume, theologian and pastor Bobby Jamieson considers the complexity of the Christology presented in the epistle to the Hebrews.

Exploring the paradox of the term, Jamieson argues that we should understand Jesus’ sonship in light of both his eternal existence as a distinct person of the triune God as well as the messianic office to which he is appointed. Jesus is, in short, the eternal Son who became the incarnate Son in order to fulfil the mission given to him by the Father.

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