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An Understandable and Reliable Guide to Revelation

Over 12 chapters, Blessed covers the full text of the book of Revelation, exploring its call to patient endurance as God’s sovereign plans for judgment and salvation are worked out in the world. In this book, Guthrie shows how Revelation is less about when Jesus will return and more about who we are to be, what we are to do, and what we can expect to endure as we wait for Jesus to return to establish his kingdom in the new creation.

With a friendly and engaging tone, Blessed takes the fear, intimidation, and confusion away from studying Revelation, providing a solid and accessible resource that individuals and small groups can use to study this important yet often avoided book.

  • Understand the Book of Revelation: Helps readers make sense of Revelation’s unique apocalyptic symbolism, visual imagery, and Old Testament allusions
  • Transformative Personal Application: Every chapter asks and answers the question, What does it mean to hear and keep this part of Revelation and thereby experience its promised blessing?
  • A Focus on What Is Clear and Uncontroversial: Highlights Revelation’s call for a costly allegiance to Christ and a refusal to compromise with the world rather than focusing on interpretive approaches and disputes

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