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Living Sacrifice

Living Sacrifice




Sacrifice is a term of the past, not of today. Today, no one is expected to sacrifice anything. We are surrounded by game shows that give you riches if you answer a few questions on general knowledge or guess the right box to open. The unspoken spirit of the age is 'if something is difficult, do something else instead. If something is expensive, borrow it or borrow the money to buy it'. What place does 'sacrifice' have in this world? The Bible says it is central - and that sacrifice is not only a vital key to the future, it is the essence of a Christian's life, today. The books in Dr. Helen Roseveare's 'Living...' series have become instant classics. If you pick up this book anywhere and start to read it, you won't be able to put it down as she skilfully weaves stories of sacrifice together with Christian teaching on the subject. If those words sound alien to you then you may not have yet entered into the joy of Christian belief and service. The key to an authentic life is sacrifice. Helen Roseveare has led an incident-filled life as a medical missionary. A best-selling author, she is still active in writing and in demand for international conferences on mission and faith.

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