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Has the Tribulation Begun?

Has the Tribulation Begun?




Publishers Weekly Bestseller

Are the End Times Here?

As local and international events and news reports become more troubling, interest in Bible prophecy continues to grow. Cultural anxiety is reaching unprecedented highs, and many Christians have begun to wonder if the tribulation described in Revelation is already upon us.

Bestselling author and native Israeli Amir Tsarfati explores what will happen during the tribulation and explains its place on the eternity-to-eternity timeline. His rich knowledge of the Bible and unique perspective on current events equip him to share helpful insights into how

  • the Bible’s signs of the times compare to global events today
  • we can avoid sensationalism and stick to the Word alone
  • an eternal focus gives us hope and enables us to persevere in today’s temporal world
  • Scripture’s teachings about the end times are more relevant than ever
  • we must remember to live out our God-given mission with a greater sense of urgency

    As we wonder how close the end times truly are, we must return to God’s Word for clarity and wisdom. Has the Tribulation Begun? delivers enlightening biblical truth alongside powerful encouragement to live for the Lord today.

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